- Inventory
- War Helmet
- Craft Item
- Warrior Armor
- Durability: 8000
- Weight : 7.00
- Max Durability : 8000
- Defense Ability : 54
- Strength Bonus : 8
- HP Bonus : 60
- MP Bonus : 40
- Resistance to Curse : 30
- Required Strength : 116
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- War Pauldron
- Craft Item
- Warrior Armor
- Durability: 8000
- Weight : 12.00
- Max Durability : 8000
- Defense Ability : 86
- Strength Bonus : 12
- HP Bonus : 100
- MP Bonus : 70
- Resistance to Flame : 30
- Required Strength : 124
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- War Pad
- Craft Item
- Warrior Armor
- Durability: 8000
- Weight : 9.00
- Max Durability : 8000
- Defense Ability : 72
- Strength Bonus : 10
- HP Bonus : 80
- MP Bonus : 60
- Resistance to Glacier : 30
- Required Strength : 120
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- War Gauntlet
- Craft Item
- Warrior Armor
- Durability: 8000
- Weight : 4.00
- Max Durability : 8000
- Defense Ability : 36
- Strength Bonus : 4
- HP Bonus : 40
- MP Bonus : 15
- Resistance to Lightning : 30
- Required Strength : 108
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- War Boots
- Craft Item
- Warrior Armor
- Durability: 8000
- Weight : 4.00
- Max Durability : 8000
- Defense Ability : 36
- Health Bonus : 2
- HP Bonus : 40
- MP Bonus : 15
- Resistance to Magic : 30
- Required Strength : 112
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Red Potion
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- Cannot be traded, sold or stored
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Tentacles of Hatred
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Fragment of Void
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Magic Fusion Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Ice Elemental Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Solar Fusion Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Fire Elemental Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Bone of Devil
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Teeth of Devil
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Recipe: Holy Knight Mage Armor
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Chaotic Fusion Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Ruaheu fragment
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- EXP Jar [161 Billion]
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Horn of Devil
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Ararat Belt
- Unique Item
- Belt
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability Jamadar : 15
- Defense Ability (Club) : 15
- Defense Ability (Axe) : 15
- Defense Ability (Spear) : 15
- Resistance to Flame : 20
- Resistance to Glacier : 20
- Resistance to Lightning : 20
- Required Level : 75
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Drakis Pendant of Strength A
- Unique Item
- Necklace
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 7
- Strength Bonus : 9
- Health Bonus : 25
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Wings of Devil
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Fire Elemental Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Fire Elemental Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Ice Elemental Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Kanjale fragment
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Fire Elemental Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Ice Elemental Stone
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- EXP Jar [161 Billion]
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *

Toplam Düşman Öldürme: 0 |
Toplam Ölme: 0 |
Toplam Öldürülen Canavar: 1759 |
Toplam oynama süresi: 15 hours |