22486056 / 132123798
549 / 0
- Inventory
- Akaras Warrior Earrings
- Unique Item
- Earring
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 15
- Strength Bonus : 7
- HP Bonus : 80
- Resistance to Flame : 13
- Resistance to Glacier : 13
- Resistance to Lightning : 13
- Resistance to Poison : 39
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Pearl Earring(+6)
- Upgrade Item
- Earring
- Durability: 1
- Strength Bonus : 6
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Topaz Pendant(+6)
- Upgrade Item
- Necklace
- Durability: 1
- Strength Bonus : 6
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Blade Axe(+1)
- Reverse upgrade item
- Two-handed Axe
- Durability: 13000
- Attack Power : 155
- Attack Speed : Slow
- Effective Range : 15
- Weight : 12.00
- Max Durability : 13000
- Ice Damage : 70
- Required Strength : 196
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Akaras Skeleton Belt
- Unique Item
- Belt
- Durability: 1
- Increase Attack Power by : 50
- Defense Ability : 30
- Defense Ability (Dagger) : 12
- Defense Ability (Club) : 10
- Defense Ability (Spear) : 10
- Resistance to Glacier : 39
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Akaras Shio Tears
- Unique Item
- Ring
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 20
- Ice Damage : 40
- Health Bonus : 6
- Dexterity Bonus : 6
- Magic Power Bonus : 6
- Resistance to Flame : 6
- Resistance to Glacier : 26
- Resistance to Lightning : 6
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Akaras Shio Tears
- Unique Item
- Ring
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 20
- Ice Damage : 40
- Health Bonus : 6
- Dexterity Bonus : 6
- Magic Power Bonus : 6
- Resistance to Flame : 6
- Resistance to Glacier : 26
- Resistance to Lightning : 6
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Dredium collected from wing bones
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Dredium collected from ribs
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Dredium collected from horns
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Krowazs Fantastic Cube
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Scarlets Moss
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Cuff Binders Hide
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Giga Hammers Fragment
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Dredium collected from jawbones
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Cospre
- Wings of Hellfire Dragon
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 7200
- Max Durability : 7200
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
Cospre option : HP+300
Weight : 300
- Cospre
- Valkyrie Armor - Helmet
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 7200
- Max Durability : 7200
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
Cospre option : HP+100
- Cospre
- Valkyrie Armor Top
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 7200
- Max Durability : 7200
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
Cospre option : HP+200

Last seen 2 yıl önce
Toplam Düşman Öldürme: 0 |
Toplam Ölme: 1 |
Toplam Öldürülen Canavar: 31 |
Toplam oynama süresi: 4 days, 5 hours, 13 minutes |