📣 Dear KO4FUN family, All articles in the Suggestion and Feedback room on Discord have been read and examined with great care. Updates have been made by taking into account most of the suggestions written in line with our reviews. Please remember that your suggestions and feedback are very important to us. We thank you for all suggestions and feedback . 🙏
December 6 Update Notes are as follows. 👇
Event Updates:
- The Forgotten Temple event has been activated.
- Fixed an issue where the Ronark Land map would not close after certain battles started.
- Drops from Ko4fun exclusive bosses have been updated. [Click here to see the details.]
- The Cuff Binder and Giga Hammer monsters in the Bowl area of the Ronark Land map have been removed.
- The required kill count in CRs on Immortal battle maps has been reduced.
- The drop rate of the Akara Box in the Immortal CR Random Item group has been decreased.
- Event rewards have been updated to Zenith Gem.
- Map quests have also been updated to Zenith Gem.
Item Updates:
- Gem and Fragment drop rates have been updated. [Click here to see the details.]
- The UTC accessory group (Pontus, Ararat, Taurus) has been added at a low rate to Garden Boss, UTC Knight, UTC Soldier, Dispatchers, Eslant Stone Boss, Chaos Stone Boss and Party MS Boss.
- A low drop rate for Flame of Spirit has been added to the Party MS Boss.
- Akara Point, Krowaz Armor Box Plus, and Krowaz Weapon Box Plus have been removed from the CR Random Item content.
- The quantity of Super Box Plus, UTC Box, Holy Armor Box, and Akara Box in the CR Random Item content has been increased from 1 to 3.
- The drop rate of Taurus Pendant, Pontus Ring, Ararat Pendant, Ararat Ring, Ararat Belt, Taurus Ring, Taurus Belt, Pontus Pendant, and Pontus Belt in CR Random Item content has been tripled.
- The outfits available at the [Armor Merchant] Hesta NPC have been updated to +5.
- The Old Jewelry item group has been removed from Eslant Stone and Chaos Stone bosses.
- Fixed the AP display issue for the Dark Knight Jamadar item in both the Panel and the game.
A new item:
Zenith Gem has been activated. [Click here to see the gem content.]
- Event Box and Super Box drops have been updated. [Click to see the box contents.]
Other Updates:
- Kingdom Selection is activated for Zenith. 👑
- The Snowy Moradon map has been activated.
The CSS discount initiated after the Academy has been disabled. Similarly, the Arrange Line and free Nation Transfer Scroll items have been removed from the Hafize Ana NPC.
Registrations for the Zenith Tournament with a prize pool of 200,000 TL have started!
For detailed information: